May 24, 2008

Never Wanted...

Since childhood, there were certain things which I never wanted to know about, since I never liked the subject or was lazy to know about them.
I never wanted to know anything which dealt with money. Thus, never went to bank (mom literally dragged me, and it took me a whole year to know how to deposit a cheque).
I never wanted to choose the clothes to wear. Everytime we had to go out, someone has to take out my clothes from cupboard. But then that doesn’t mean I would wear them. Definitely, I would again take out a frock of my choice and would argue that why not to wear this and finally will wear a third skirt. It still continues, though I am trying to come out of it. It takes me a whole 15 minutes to decide what to wear.
I never wanted to do coding in college. And probably I have still been running from it. Though, at current office I sometimes have to do coding. I can write about my profile in the company, probably in another blog since it is an interesting one.
I never wanted to know about the interiors of the computer. Probably I have a home to decorate then why to get into the hardware decoration of the computer.
I never wanted to know that why did my cousin's wife's father's daughter-in-law's son had a fight with his wife's brother's cousin's sister. I mean I can’t keep track of my own family members then why to get into extended to extended family deeds. Till now the habit continues, thus I still find it so hard to remember my hubby's extended family members.
I never wanted to about stock markets, trading and other such stuff. And lo, got married to an equity dealer. I still have to twist my brain nerves to understand when he talks about his office chores.
I never wanted to carry over a fake relation and thus, in hostel had very few friends. For me, friendship meant a relation where you don’t need to show off or tell lies. We have a huge world full of people to whom we can be what we are not, but very few for whom we are best when we are ourselves.

I never wanted to stop at any point of my life and I am thus running and running and running behind a thing called life..

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